Investigation on Disinfectant Conditions and Environmental Contamination of Preventive Inoculation Rooms in Lucheng District of Wenzhou City 温州市鹿城区预防接种室消毒与污染状况调查
Methods 94 undergoing repaired THA by way of preventive stress inoculation training were evenly randomized into observation group and control group, the former receiving preventive stress inoculation training. 方法将接受人工全髋关节翻修术患者94例随机分为观察组和对照组,对观察组实施预防接种训练。
According to The General Civil Law the preventive inoculation accident harms must pay for all losses. 预防接种事故损害的经济赔偿范围应根据《民法通则》给予全部损失赔偿。
Investigation on Risk Factors to Infants in Centralized Preventive Inoculation in Boxing County 博兴县集中式预防接种中婴儿伤害危险因素调查
[ Conclusion] Many risk factors were existed for infants in centralized preventive inoculation. [结论]到集中式预防接种门诊接种的婴儿存在较为严重的伤害危险因素。
Effect of different EPI pattern on safe injection of preventive inoculation 不同计免管理模式对预防接种安全注射的影响
The Preventive Inoculation Status of New Primary School Pupils in Henan, Shandong and Anhui Provinces 豫鲁皖三省小学新生预防接种状况评估
About the professional questions of preventive inoculation the duty of offering testimony must be the preventive inoculation units in a lawsuit; 在法律诉讼中对于预防接种中的专门性问题由接种单位负举证责任;
The Relief of Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Repaired THA by Way of Preventive Stress Inoculation Training 预防接种训练降低人工全髋关节翻修术患者焦虑水平的研究
Determining the characters of a preventive inoculation dissension we should apply for the identify of preventive inoculation accident; 对于预防接种纠纷的定性应当提请预防接种异常反应和事故鉴定;
Analysis on Behavioral Factors Influencing Undertaking Preventive Inoculation in Families of Urban Children 影响城市儿童家庭接受预防接种的行为因素分析
Meanwhile, according to the characteristics of medical prevention, it is a good way to increase the law awareness, promote the administration by law, strengthen the training of technicians, inspect the ways of preventive inoculation and deduce the probability of abnormal reactions. 并结合卫生防疫工作的特点提出,提高法律意识,促进依法行政;加强专业技术人员培训;做好免疫接种监督等方式可规范计划免疫行为,降低异常反应发生概率。
The author thinks that the best ways to solve the problems are to set up fund for relief based on the abnormal reactions caused by preventive inoculation, perfect the system of appraising the abnormal reactions, the procedure and range of relief. 笔者认为建立健全预防接种异常反应救济基金,完善和确立异常反应的鉴定、救济程序和范围是解决问题有效途径。
Preventive inoculation is an efficient way to control and eliminate the infectious diseases as the spreading of the diseases. It is also an administrative action to carry out the policy of putting prevention first in medical work. 预防接种是针对传染病的发生和流行,控制和最终消灭所针对的传染病的一种有效手段,同时也是贯彻我国预防为主卫生工作方针的行政行为。
The immune programming service personnel quality is low, accidents and error easily occurred in setting the immunization strategy, technical guidance and preventive inoculation, directly affecting the immune programming work. 免疫规划服务人员整体素质的偏低,极易在制定免疫策略、披术指导和预防接种工作中发生出错事故,直接影响免疫规划工作质量。
The chances of abnormal reactions or accidents caused by preventive inoculation are low and it is not quite clear that who takes the legal responsibility, the standard of relief and the way of damages. 由预防接种引起异常反应或接种事故发生的概率虽然很低,一旦发生所引发的法律责任、救济标准、赔偿途径确很模糊。